Cherry Blossom

ID: SM-000237696
CompositorBonnie McAlvin
EditoraMoveable Doors Publications
Ano de composição 2015
Gênero Clássico
Instrumentação Flauta
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
duração 4'0"
dificuldade Very difficult
descripção Cherry Blossom is a haunting piece for solo flutist based on the Japanese folk song, Sakura. The folk song celebrates the beauty, joy, and grief that is sparked by transience: the cherry blossom tree’s bloom lasts for only two weeks out of every year.

The work makes extensive use of multiphonics. Hear it at Bonnie McAlvin's YouTube channel:
data de postagem 31.12.2015


Sheet music file
14.99 USD
PDF, 524.8 Kb (10 p.)


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